- Departments
Tricia Petter
Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services tpetter@mycuhsd.org
(760) 336-4530 |
Anthony Plancarte Fiscal Technician
aplancarte@mycuhsd.org Phone: (760) 336-4522 Fax: (760) 353-3606 |
Christina Cervantes Educational Services Secretary
Phone: (760) 336-4517
Fax: (760) 353-3606 |
Melissa Hisel Family Resource Center Coordinator
(760) 336-4422
Elizabeth Cardenas CTE Coordinator
Phone: (760)336-4425
Gerardo A. Mora Data Analyst/ CALPADS LEA
(760) 336-4521
Educational Services
The Central Union High School District maintains an unwavering
commitment to the goal of improving the academic achievement of all
students and ensuring that each and every student be afforded the
opportunity to maximize his/her potential. The role of the Educational
Services Department is to provide the district’s three high schools with
the support and resources needed to help achieve that goal.
The Ed Services office oversees curriculum development, selection
and purchase of instructional materials, administration of district and
state assessments, professional development, and data analysis. In
addition, our department is responsible for compliance and fiscal
oversight for a variety of state and federal categorical programs. These
restricted programs provide supplemental funding for specialized
purposes and/or specific student subgroups such as English learners,
migrant youth, or gifted students. A list of programs as well as links
to related information is included on the State and Federal Program
page. Information about California State Testing is provided on the
Assessment page, and information regarding our course offerings and
standards is included on the Curriculum page.