- Departments
Association Negotiations
School Districts and Labor Associations negotiate regularly. Most agreements are three-year contracts, with the option to negotiate part of the contract annually. The State of California provides funding for schools along with some funds coming from the Federal government and other local sources. Most years, the State of California provides a Cost of Living Adjustment or COLA. This is the government's way to adjust for inflation and rising costs of labor and all other expenses to operate schools. Districts must not only pay for labor, but contribute to health care benefits, retirement plans and all other expenses for school operations.
Employees can earn more compensation through years of experience (a step on the salary schedule) or additional education (a column on the salary schedule)
The following link illustrates the most recent and proposed COLAs for schools in California. CDE Webpage
Update on Negotiations for 24/25 - Pending
Update on Negotiations for 24/25 - Pending
El Centro Secondary Teachers Association (ECSTA)
CSEA Chapter 726 (Classified staff)
Negotiations will begin on May 9, 2022 with an in-person half-day session.